An Open Letter to President Bush from the Bruderhof
(too old to reply)
2005-09-25 12:14:28 UTC
Very glad to see that you all have written this letter. I knwo that my community of friends here in Belfast N.Ireland feel powerless and voiceless to a large extent at this time. I will gladly tell them of your letter and that there are voices like their own in the world. May God take your message to the ears of our leaders.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
peter tessaro
2005-10-05 01:04:49 UTC
Very true words are spoken, in this article, I believe the writers have illustrated the true roots and beliefs of the bruderhof community, through this letter.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
Shirley Steinman
2005-10-17 09:02:21 UTC
What a blessing you folks are! I forwarded the Twain quote to everyone on my list--those who believe like you and I do, and those sure to take a stand for the government. Surely this (illegal) administration will be forced to think twice about so outrageous an action as war on Iraq! How shallow its reasoning that differences with North Korea are to be negotiated (they have the bomb and threw out the inspectors!), while Iraq (without the bomb and open to inspectors) must endure our all-out warfare. Of course, North Korea doesn't have the oil. Will our general public wake up before it's too late? Where will we all go if the U.S. becomes a police state, as apparently so many in the administration would have it become?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
Terry Barber
2005-10-22 21:33:21 UTC
What a reasoned and compassionate letter! It is very well done. Thank you for your voice!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
Aaron Bragg
2005-10-27 13:39:09 UTC
While your pacifist stance is admirable, it's short-sighted and wrong-headed. Were it not for the willingness of a few countries to defend and protect all of us from the tyranny of a handful of dictators, you wouldn't be here. Hitler didn't care about pacifists--nor did Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, or Mao. Neither did Amin, Noriega, or Qaddafi. Add to the list Pol Pot, Hussein, Castro, Arafat, Kim Jong Il, and a litany of others just from the last century. Like it or not, these are bad--yes, evil--men, and espousing peace will never deter individuals such as these. Of course, pacifism has its merits. But it also has some responsibilities, one of which is to recognize that it alone will not suffice to guarantee the freedoms that we all enjoy. Like being pacifists...

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
Randy Reimold
2005-10-28 23:05:17 UTC
What does it mean to say "We recognize that the peace and prosperity we have enjoyed has been bought at a price, and we gratefully acknowledge the sacrifices made by generations of American servicemen. "? I can acknowledge that generations of American servicemen have made tremendous sacrifices that have brought prosperity, and even a kind of peace, but I am unable to feel any gratitude. I feel sorrow for the many losses and that so many have believed the Myth of Redemptive Violence (to use Walter Wink's language), but I do not feel gratitude. In fact, I wish they had not done it. I cannot see how the way of war is God's way and so I wish that they had not made these sacrifices, even though I benefit from them. As a white man. I also benefit from institutional and other forms of racism and sexism, but I am not grateful for those who have to make sacrifices in order for me to benefit. All over the world I see The Powers That Be transformed through creative non-violent action. I am grateful for this, and would be ever so grateful if we would have and would in the present and future solve our political problems in this way.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
john costas
2005-11-18 16:34:01 UTC
Yes! yes! yes! As a member of the orthodox peace fellowship I wholheartily agree with you! Sacrifice is not easy, the answers are not easy, and love is not easy, especially to love your enimies when they commit atrocities. BUT, we must do all we can to love and love again.Peace begins wth me and my relationships. Confession and reconcilliation are the starting point.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
Molly Sasser-Goehner
2005-12-06 07:31:48 UTC
Your letter is an excellent statement. I appreciate your comments about alternative service for opting out of the draft for conscientious objectors. I really resonate with the statement about concern for women and men in the military. So often I hear people equating the peace and anti-war movement as people who are not concerned with the life and well-being of those in the armed forces, or that we don't realize who has fought to ensure us those rights. Indeed, we who voice our concerns and opposition to war greatly understand the freedoms we do indeed have in the U.S. We are very fortunate. In acknowledgment of these freedoms, we will protest war, exercise our freedom, and refuse the label of "unpatriotic". To voice our dissent is one of the most patriotic things we can do.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/IraqLetter.htm
