Bruderhof Guest Book
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Bruderhof News
2005-07-20 14:42:59 UTC
The Bruderhof is a faith-based intentional community movement with
branches in the United States, England, Germany and Australia. Visit
www.bruderhof.com for a large selection of articles on current issues,
stories, free e-books, inspirational quotes, and visiting information.

After you've visited Bruderhof.com, tell us what you thought.

Virtual community is great, but it's nothing like the real thing. Come
visit us and join us in our daily life. We welcome guests at all
Bruderhof communities. In general, we encourage first-time visitors to
come for a short stay--overnight or for a few days. We are not a retreat
center, so expect to join us in our work, communal meals, and other
activities during your stay. If possible, please contact us in advance to
work out the details. Call or write us at one of the addresses listed

In the United States...
Bellvale Bruderhof, 359 Gibson Hill Rd, Chester NY 10918.
Tel: 845-572-3400

Catskill Bruderhof, 2255 Platte Clove Rd., Elka Park NY 12427.
Tel: 518-589-5103

Fox Hill Bruderhof, 80 Coleman Rd., Walden NY 12586.
Tel: 845-778-7561

Maple Ridge Bruderhof, 10 Hellbrook Ln, Ulster Park NY 12487.
Tel: 845-339-6680

Woodcrest Bruderhof, 2032 Rte 213, Rifton NY 12471.
Tel: 845-658-8351

New Meadow Run Bruderhof, Rte 40 E, Farmington PA 15437.
Tel: 724-329-8573

Spring Valley Bruderhof, Rte 381 N, Farmington PA 15437.
Tel: 724-329-1100

In England...
Darvell Bruderhof, Brightling Rd, Robertsbridge, E Sussex TN32 5DR
Tel: +44 (0)1580-883-300

Beech Grove Bruderhof, Nonington, Dover, Kent CT15 4HH
Tel: +44 (0)1304-842-980

Visit the Bruderhof's UK website.

In Australia...
Danthonia Bruderhof, Glen Innes Rd, Inverell, NSW 2360
Tel: +61 (0)2-6723-2213

Visit the Bruderhof's Aussie website.

In Germany...
Bruderhof-Haus Sannerz, Lindenstr. 13, D-36391 Sinntal-Sannerz
Tel: +49 (0)6664-40-24-98

Bruderhof-Haus Holzland, Talweg 18, 07639 Bad Klosterlausnitz
Tel +49 (0) 36601 82260

Visit the German Bruderhof website.
2005-07-20 15:06:54 UTC
greetings! a group of my fellow community members and i travelled to woodcrest this memorial weekend and were met with the most loving and challenging hospitality ive ever experienced. we felt the excitement from you about the type of community we are struggling through and took in the immeasureable wisdom you had for us. in our year and half or so relationship with the bruderhof this was possibly the first time that we very much felt connected and "together" with all of you in the body of christ and in community. we are constantly encouraged by your committment to follow the spirits leading.
thank you for the stories, the hikes, and the horse back rides!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Isabel Halford
2005-07-20 15:20:12 UTC
... Thank you for all the wonderful support you have given me through these inspirational messages and through your personal support when I have reached out for prayer and good words..

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm

Skadi Beorg
2005-07-20 15:22:56 UTC
.....So many of us are searching desperately for the practical and powerful Christianity as given to us by Jesus, and stressed in St. John. I have known of the Bruderhof since 1982. Please tell me more, and if I may visit one of your communities?

Responding to http://www.
Jan Nunn
2005-07-21 03:16:55 UTC
... I enjoy these writings so much, I am in the throws of reading 'escape routes' and feel I will comment on all ...
Although I do not live and work with your community ... it is true to say I feel a part of it, through what I read ... I thank you for that, I have much w
2005-07-21 14:33:18 UTC
...I am very interested in what you are about and like what I am reading.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Steven Lollback
2005-07-21 14:54:48 UTC
As one living in a life proffessed common purse community I found your site very interesting. I love your E-Book section. I will be returning here to read more. Your site design and layout is very good. Peace to you all.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Erin Green
2005-07-21 17:28:24 UTC
... I would also like to know if it is acceptable to maybe have a pen-pal? Email is very unpersonal and i really want to learn as much as I can the best way you would recommend.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-21 20:49:56 UTC
Absolutely profound! All parents, grandparents and teachers should be strongly encourged to read.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Reid Seastrand
2005-07-21 23:29:29 UTC
...Thankful for your continuing presence along the Way!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm

From: dejjy <***@bruderhof.com>
Newsgroups: alt.news.bruderhof,alt.religion.ch
2005-07-22 08:33:51 UTC
A friend of mine sent me a link to Mr. Moore's Article on Bible Thumpers/Thrashers. It appears that your Denomination lives Life by its faith. So many Americans are "Shirt Sleeve Christians"...even the Bible Thumpers. Even though we are of different Faiths, I have a great deal of respect for you. You do your own thing and don't scream that "you are right" and that everyone else is wrong.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Laurie Stone
2005-07-22 08:37:37 UTC
Also, WOOOHOOO!!!!!! Finally, God has put people in my path that believe or have been seeing the way the Lord has been showing me. WoooHooo!!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-22 08:40:27 UTC
Although i am without religion, i.e do not believe in a god - i find your words comforting, and am reminded of the good and truth in life.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Abu Princeton
2005-07-22 08:41:18 UTC
As I was passing by, I came across this site. I was so inspired reading many of the articles/inspiring stories here. So thought of signing in your guest book, and let you know you have a wonderful inspiring site. Have a great day in his glorious name with family and friends.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Richard Purchase
2005-07-22 08:45:50 UTC
Browsed through several sites on the Bruderhof in preparation for recommending a few to others to visit.
The sites are wonderful! Nice balance of pictures, thoughtful quotes and information. Thanks!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
George Krembs
2005-07-22 08:46:56 UTC
Best wishes concerning your decision to move your pubs house into a more modern, 21st century communications media, i.e. this web site. The Plough was showing its age in format, in content and in limited distribution via the printed media. Now you can send out the writings of the Plough authors in various new ways, such as the e-book format, in 'daily digs', and via other ideas you have not yet uncovered.
Certainly it will take awhile to accomplish this renovation, but I predict you will be amazed in five years hence about: 1) the immense size of your wider audience, and 2) the much lower distribution cost per Plough Reader, the daily (not monthly or quarterly) message.
I look forward to observing how your creative minds will utilize this electronic media on a world-wide basis. May you make a big impact,...and be a pioneering example of 21st century witnessing!
George M. Krembs, PHD

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joseph Ross
2005-07-22 08:47:24 UTC
By the way, I was wondering where The Plough had gone. I'm grateful to know it is just here in a new form. All the best--

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Theresa Miller
2005-07-22 08:47:45 UTC
Can you help me understand something? I am convinced that if all Christians truly embraced the full meaning of the Gospels and followed Jesus' example of nonviolence that we would not resort to killing and waging war to solve the world's problems or to rid the world of tyranny and terrorism. Whenever I mention the fact that Jesus never condoned violence, never resorted to using it, was always telling people to forgive and love their enemies, someone inevitably brings up the Gospel stories of when Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the Temple. As one of my correspondents put it, "even he recognized that there are times when that is the only languge understood by those he spoke to, and he was willing to speak in that language." I see this event as Jesus using nonviolent, direct action to bring attention to an unjust system, but others see it as an occasion when even Jesus, who was perfect, eventually got fed up, ran out of patience, lost his temper and resorted to violently rampaging through the Temple, using the whip on people to get his point across.

My question is does this one incident justify war? Does this really mean that there are times when we have no other choice but to invade other countries and wage wars in order to rid the world of tyrants and despots and that God understands, even though hundreds, thousands or millions of innocent people get killed, why we had to do it. Is that really true?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Lisa Stafford
2005-07-22 09:02:44 UTC
For many years, I have been interested in Amish, Mennonite, and Anabaptist communities. I wish very much that I had been born and raised in such a loving environment where respect for the Lord and his teachings were foremost in everyone's minds. While we are all sinners it seems to me that our chances are better at abiding by His rules if we have the chance to be together every day as opposed to just an hour or two on Sundays. Thank you for being one of the lights in a dark world.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-22 09:48:29 UTC
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Bruderhof Community,
I came accross your website on the internet after searching for something more. By something more, I mean looking for a better way to live my life and contribute to the community and world around me. I have a wonderful wife and a beautiful son who has just turned 3 years old. My wife is also pregnant and due to give birth in June 2005. On the outside I suppose we appear happy and fulfilled, and to most around us we appear to have what most "ordinary" people strive for - a loving family unit. When I read your section entitled "who we are" it really struck a chord with me. The problem of selfishness is all around in the world today and even within me, no matter how hard I fight it - it is always there. I suppose this is the scourge of most humans! Everytime I pick up a newspaper or watch TV I become more and more concerned about my family and the world in which we live. We are Christians who attend church twice weekly and read the Bible at home. We do however, feel that something is missing in our spiritual lives. I would like to find out more about your community and also the ways in which we can visit you to find out more about eachother. I am very excited about the prospect of maybe having found a community of people with similar goals and values in life. I thank you most sincerely for reading my e-mail and look forward to hearing from you. Best regards.......

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Greg Fearnley
2005-07-22 09:48:53 UTC
Dear Bruderhof, I am seeking closer contact with you.
I would very much like to come and visit you as I believe all Christians should be living in community with each other and be of "one heart and one soul" as The WORD of God commands. I have lived in a Christian community in NZ for years off and on and although things were not altogether right there at least The Lord help me capture the vision for the sharing life. I would just love to come over and experience for myself true Christian fellowship as it is plainly evident from scripture. Love in Christ.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-22 10:50:40 UTC
Dear Friends,
St. Philomena community is a faith based community in the desert of Pakistan. It encourages people of all religions to come together and experience peace in the center.
Your community has really inspired us, and the way of living of your commuity is really admirable.
Can you please let us know more, more to know your work.
Please keep contact.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Claudia Pichardo
2005-07-22 10:56:06 UTC
Endlich, ENDLICH nehme ich mir mal die Zeit, euch einen herzlichen, lieben Gruss zuzusenden. Seit über zwei Jahren bekommen ich den Pflug nur noch "bündelweise" alle paar Monate, weil ich umgezoGen bin und euch immer noch nicht meine neue Adresse gegeben habe. Dabei begleiten mich die Artikel und Gedanken des Pfluges weiterhin auf meinem täglichen Lebensweg, obwohl ich nicht immer sagen kann, dass ich mit allem komplett einverstanden bin. Aber im Wesentlichen blicken wir in die gleiche Richtung. ... Wenn ich mich auch nicht für das Leben in so einer radikalen Gemeinschaft entschieden habe, denke ich immer wieder daran, wie ich es in der kurzen Zeit erlebt und welche Fragen ich mir gestellt habe und immer noch stelle.

Doch eigentlich wollte ich euch meine neue Adresse schicken und von ganzem herzen frohe Ostern wünschen. Dass die Botschaft der Auferstehung euch und uns Leser weiterhin stärken und einen möge!!!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-22 10:56:57 UTC
Excellent site...thank you for valuable work....much enjoyed.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Henrik Goebel
2005-07-22 21:08:17 UTC
God bless this community. I am senior (66)Christian coming from South America. I think many years ago, to live in this form of life like the bible say. If is possible to have a brochure -book, about this life in Jesus community. Thanks and blessings.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Elisabeth Nace
2005-07-23 06:42:07 UTC
For many years I have been interested in the Bruderhof, I also received your publication "The Plough" for several years, and was disappointed when it was no longer published. I would very much like to visit your Bruderhof some time in the future. Also, I have friends who share this interest.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Tan Sin Wee
2005-07-23 11:19:37 UTC
Found this website by accident while I was using a search engine. I am very impressed by the presentation. It is the best website on God and Jesus Christ that I have found. The Daily Digs is concise and very well designed, I am reading it everyday.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Katy Buettner
2005-07-23 11:20:58 UTC
Hello Bruderhof Community in Farmington! About 4 years ago I took a trip to the Bruderhof Community there and fell in love with it! I was wondering if I could get more information from you about Intentional Communities. I am currently working at a womens mental health safe haven/shelter. I run a womens group every week and I think it would be wonderful if I could show them that this is indeed an intentional community, even though it comes off very unintentional (the fact that it is a shelter and the ladies have no idea who they are going to be living with). I wanted some help with this and I thought who better than the Bruderhofs?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Ben Sellers
2005-07-23 11:21:10 UTC
hello. just writing to say how good it is that you do what you do and that your stuff is of some quality.... anyway, this email dosen't really have a point exscept to warm your heart a little.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Nelyn Mae
2005-07-23 11:21:37 UTC
Hi! I just like to say that it is really nice of you to put up this site to help people return back to tha arms of our loving God. It is very inspiring and teaches me of many things of how to handle a situation. It has inspired me to always remember to pray in times of great trials and problems. It has led my life to enter the kingdom of God. I am proud to be a Christian and to belong in its community. I hope many teenagers like me would find this website interesting as I did. God bless all!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-23 11:21:53 UTC
Hi, I was just on visiting your website and am very interested in learning more about the bruderhof...I am thinking that I would like to start a christian intentional community funded by businesses as i seek to pursue an mba. Im wondering if a bruderhof community might be the route to go? Im thinking of setting one up or participating in one in pennsylvania since that is where i grew up.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Mark Jackson
2005-07-23 11:23:48 UTC
Hi, your way of life seems to be a better way to live life than the selfish ways of the modern world. Is it possible to go and visit one of your communities.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-23 11:25:41 UTC
Hi Mark,

You can find visiting information at

or write to ***@bruderhof.com

cheers, Joe
Post by Mark Jackson
Hi, your way of life seems to be a better way to live life than the
selfish ways of the modern world. Is it possible to go and visit one
of your communities.
Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-23 11:26:25 UTC
Hi, I am addicted to the daily digs. I really wait for them to come to my inbox daily!!
It's a great great service that bruderhof community is doing! I get answers to so many questions that keep coming everyday.....

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Laurene F. Quateman
2005-07-23 11:40:28 UTC
How beautiful. What a great media we have in this instrument to read the powerful words that make us realize that the real peace comes from within and not from pacts between nations.... Thank you for helping me start my day with Christ.
I hope to find this valuable web available every day. Thank you for touching many.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-23 11:49:50 UTC
Hello. Wondering if you have a community anywhere in Canada. I love the daily dig. Well written and definitely shining the light of God...

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Ian Thompson
2005-07-23 12:13:56 UTC
Hi there, i would like information on coummity living, i have just checked your webb site, ... i have been chatting to a Christain the hosptail, and i would love to be a believer, theres got to be more to life then the world we live in today, ...

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-23 12:14:55 UTC
Hello from Canada! thank you so much for the daily dig...ama minister and this serves me well as I need to stop and reflect for a moment at the start of my day...Would love to come and visit someday..until then, may the Peace of Christ guard your hearts and minds and keep us in communion with one another..

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-23 12:15:37 UTC
I accidentally! stumbled on your web site. It is amazing. It is encouraging and a blessing. Praise the Lord for this site. Keep up the good work.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Richard A. Pruger
2005-07-23 12:15:58 UTC
I agree with your comments on sex. So far, I also agree with your general outlook on life and your desire to live the godly lifestyle.
However, I would have a difficult time living in a kibuttz-style environment. I also believe that sometimes dictators like Hitler must be stopped to preserve freedom and a democratic way of life. You would not be able to live your godly lifestyles if many had not fought to preserve your right to do so. May God bless your efforts to please Him in your righteous walks.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Brett Best
2005-07-23 12:18:18 UTC
I am a Baptist pastor who is just finishing an intensive study and preaching series on the First Church as described in Acts 2:42-47. During this study, I have learned that the First Church was a unique response to their unique situation. It is not necessarily by copying their methods we achieve their results ("the Lord added daily to their number those who were being saved"), but by sharing in the same Spirit, manifest in the same characteristics. Having written that, I do believe the communal lifestyle is one that continues to have value in our own age and can be an appropriate adaptation to our unique circumstances as well. I have reviewed the "about us" section of your website thoroughly and find myself in agreement (emotionally, spiritually and intellectually) with what I've read. May the Lord bless you. For what it's worth, I bless you and affirm your biblical/evangelical statements of faith and positions on the issues you raise at this website. I hope to learn more about the movement, as I confess the communal lifestyle has held appeal to me as long as I have studied the First Church (many years now, including just recently) and I have a great affinity for your methods and objectives. Please continue and prosper!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Giampaolo Masiero
2005-07-23 12:19:19 UTC
I am an evangelic believer and I want to live like Hutters community (I read his history) and then preach this way of life to all christians in the world...before the return of Jesus. Are there any community like you but of evangelic people?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Wesley Shankles
2005-07-23 12:19:47 UTC
I am curious how you found people who where willing to from a real community church. God has been convicting me of these same beliefs for a great long while. And I am now convinced that he wants me to gather some people together and form a church dedicated to the way of life that He would have us lead.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-23 12:20:38 UTC
I am deeply grateful for the message of Bruderhof! You are a breath of clean, fresh air that helps me survive in a culture that hybridizes the cross with its national symbols and continuously runs after the gospel of wealth.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Helen Carter
2005-07-23 12:21:19 UTC
I am a local preacher in the Methodist Church and each time I am preparing an act of worship I search the site for relevant articles. I am never disappointed, and I have found so many useful inspirational writings - thank you.
I have told many people of your site - of course I do not know how many have taken up the suggestion to visit your site - I hope many have.
The Daily Digs are an inspriational way to think about the day..

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
vasile marchis
2005-07-23 12:30:24 UTC
Greetings from Croatia. I am currently studying theology at the graduate level and I just want to say thank you for your thought-provoking articles. It has always challenged my pressupositions and sharpened my reflection while studying theology. Thanks a lot.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Ge Aromin
2005-07-23 12:32:15 UTC
I am enjoying your daily digs. Reading them is like an ice break from my busy work. I am a raised roman catholic and stories I received everyday help me to uplift more my spiritual relationship with the Lord and as well with others. God Bless you all. Your comunity is such a blessing.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Tyrell Northcutt
2005-07-23 12:33:26 UTC
Hello, I have been reading about your community for quite some time, and I would be quite interested in visiting for a weekend. I am a college student in NYC, and I have been studying Utopian communities in my philosophy class---your way of life is truly intriguing, and I would like to visit a community.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Stephen Cerrato
2005-07-24 11:18:39 UTC
All of my adult life I've felt myself struggling to fit into a society that feels foreign to me. The fast pace, the rampant consumerism, the endless quest for material wealth. All of that, along with, of course, the gratuitous sex and violence have left me in despair and contemplating whether there wasn't another way to live. In discovering the Bruderhof Communities, quite accidently, I may have discovered that other way to live. A way centered in the teachings of Christ.
I just wonder, how hard is it to become a member and what is the process?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-24 17:36:14 UTC
Bruderhof is awesome, I just found it on my computer, I am so glad I did. Keep up the good work.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Sylvia Fussell
2005-07-24 20:01:42 UTC
Hello, I've been reading your emails and I've enjoyed the articles and have printed and shared them with some of my friends. I live in a town that knows nothing but football and beer. We have churches, but not like the community-faithed ones you know of. I support traditional wholesome values and I agree with you about the exploitation of children in our society and have seen even in Christian communities, we are not immuned from the influences that are there. I see people rolling their eyes when talking about their children. They don't even realize how "precious" they are and how much they model their parents' behavior and actions. Thanks for your articles. Could you send me via email information about some Bruderhoff communities in Florida or Georgia?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-24 20:01:54 UTC
I am looking to join a Christian intentional community in the UK or the USA. I have done a lot of research into communities and would like to join one immediately. I am tired of the selfish and cruel world we live in and want to seek peace and harmony. I am male and 34 years old.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-24 20:20:39 UTC
I am moved by what I have read on your website. So simple, so quiet. Such an inspiration.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Janet Hogan
2005-07-25 00:33:34 UTC
Blessings to all at Bruderhof Communities. Thank you for the free e-books. It is a service that is a great gift to me. I read your daily dig and enjoy all parts of your site. I share the daily dig with many friends. I have had questions as to how to find you on the web. I keep your site on the bottom when I send the gems around. So many have thanked me for them - that I must remember to thank you again for all you do. You have given me many moments of great reflection and an especially meaningful advent this year. Thank you very much.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Matthew W. Creeden
2005-07-25 07:09:46 UTC
How does one become a member of the community? Do you study the Word of God in your community (The Bible)? Does it cost money to stay in your community?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-26 12:06:01 UTC
Post by Matthew W. Creeden
How does one become a member of the community? Do you study the Word
of God in your community (The Bible)? Does it cost money to stay in
your community?
Dear Matthew, Thank you for writing. To answer your first question, the
first step is to come and visit and we'll get to know each other better.
Yes, we study the Bible. We do not charge visitors but everyone is expected
to pitch in the communal work as much as they are able.

Best wishes, Joe
Georgette Howko
2005-07-25 07:10:43 UTC
I am enjoying your website so much and I thank everyone who has a part in making all of this possible for the rest of us that are hungry for such insightful knowledge.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-25 07:11:01 UTC
I am a pastor of a church in the capital city of the IVORY COAST, West Africa. We have about 200 members and God has been faithful to us. I found out about the Bruderhof in a booklet handed to to me by a pastor when I was visiting Korea last year.
I was deeply touched by what God is doing in your midst and I had been praying to see the same thing happen in my country.
Therefore, I would like to visit you so I can learn from you. I think my visit will help me to expand the Kingdom of God in Africa.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Adrie Booysen
2005-07-25 07:12:14 UTC
I am a teacher at a local High School. We start each morning with a reading and prayer. As we speak different languages, Afrikaans, English, Sotho etc. we are asked to do the reading in English. As I am an Afrikaans speaking person, I sometimes stumble over the English, and try my best. When I found your piece about The Butterfly in a Christian magazine, I read it to the staff members. Every one come and say thank you it was just what they needed to hear. Thank you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Ivars Abelis
2005-07-25 07:25:03 UTC
I am glad to for your renewed Webpage. I am reading the Bruderhof materials and following your developments now more than 5 years. ..... So, to be short, in these years I have come to convicion that your life and ministry is from God.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-26 12:01:39 UTC
Post by Ivars Abelis
I am glad to for your renewed Webpage. I am reading the Bruderhof
materials and following your developments now more than 5 years. .....
So, to be short, in these years I have come to convicion that your
life and ministry is from God.
Great Ivars, you're welcome to come and visit and we'll seek together.
Kerry Reinhold
2005-07-25 07:25:30 UTC
I am grateful that there are islands of sense and hope and warmth like this website. Please know that the efforts you are making are appreciated.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-25 07:26:03 UTC
I am happy to be here in this guestbook

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Robert J. Zingle
2005-07-25 07:26:52 UTC
I am impressed with your community's commitment to live the Sermon on the Mount. As a religious educator, I read constantly about the teachings of Jesus, but I rarely see the teachings in action through a community of people. I hope that you continue to live the Gospel, and to be a source of inspiration to people like me.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-26 11:59:04 UTC
Post by Robert J. Zingle
I am impressed with your community's commitment to live the Sermon on
the Mount. As a religious educator, I read constantly about the
teachings of Jesus, but I rarely see the teachings in action through a
community of people. I hope that you continue to live the Gospel, and
to be a source of inspiration to people like me.
The best introduction I've read to the Sermon on the Mount is "Salt and
Light". It's online as a free ebook at

2005-07-25 07:28:02 UTC
I am interessted in community living - and would like to take part for some weeks.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-25 07:28:36 UTC
I am interested in learning more about your community. My fiance, who is an architect, did his thesis project on a "hypothetical" Bruderhof community. He receives your daily dig and has been for many years. These daily digs have proved very inspiring to us. We are interested in coming and working for a weekend or a few days.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-26 11:57:20 UTC
Post by Carol
I am interested in learning more about your community. My fiance, who
is an architect, did his thesis project on a "hypothetical" Bruderhof
community. He receives your daily dig and has been for many years.
These daily digs have proved very inspiring to us. We are interested
in coming and working for a weekend or a few days.
Dear Carol, The best way to learn about the Bruderhof is to come and visit.
You can write to ***@bruderhof.com

best wishes,

2005-07-25 07:58:47 UTC
I am interested in possibley coming for a visit to your community. Is that possible? I have been reading material your community puts out and I love what you represent. I'm in Chicago. How and where can I visit?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-26 11:55:44 UTC
Post by Catherine
I am interested in possibley coming for a visit to your community. Is
that possible? I have been reading material your community puts out
and I love what you represent. I'm in Chicago. How and where can I
There's contact details and visiting information at
Laura Kaurin
2005-07-25 08:02:19 UTC
I am so thankful for your community! Your articles, excerpts, references refresh as well as stir my heart... For the ways your community lives out the gospel, I am thankful, and I would definitely love to visit in person.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Roger Rowe
2005-07-25 09:38:04 UTC
Can I say how much I am enjoying (and being challenged by) your wonderful website (and weblog). The weblog in particular is a useful way in to all sorts of goodies you have hidden away. I've downloaded two books and made you first port of call each morning.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-26 11:54:09 UTC
Post by Roger Rowe
Can I say how much I am enjoying (and being challenged by) your
wonderful website (and weblog). The weblog in particular is a useful
way in to all sorts of goodies you have hidden away. I've downloaded
two books and made you first port of call each morning.
My blog is at http://bruderhof.blogspot.com

Rebecca Johns
2005-07-25 11:45:44 UTC
I am interested in voluntary simplicity. Do your communities have a vision based on simplicity? How do you support yourselves - are the communities sustainable and self-supporting? I am interested in visiting, but I dont know which community yet.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joe Hine
2005-07-26 11:51:30 UTC
Hi Rebecca,

Here's an excerpt from the book Seeking Peace on simplicity

You can find visiting info here:

cheers, Joe
Post by Rebecca Johns
I am interested in voluntary simplicity. Do your communities have a
vision based on simplicity? How do you support yourselves - are the
communities sustainable and self-supporting? I am interested in
visiting, but I dont know which community yet.
Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
ruth farrell
2005-07-25 11:53:29 UTC
I do want to say I find my daily reading since signing on with you, it is inspiring and soul searching. At 80, I need all the help I can get to survive in a world where God is ever present, but seems so distant at times. Thank you and God bless you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Dean R
2005-07-25 12:03:49 UTC
I am interested in your way of life and would like to learn more. I am a Christian and I highly respect your dedication to your beliefs and practices. For those of us that are searching for a closer walk with God you are a glowing example. I realize that your way is not easy and sometimes difficult to maintain but I'm sure the blessings that you experience make it all worthwhile. I grew up on a farm so I know how hard the work is. If at all possible, I would like to visit for a day or take a tour .

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Edward McGowan
2005-07-25 12:41:24 UTC
I am not writing to comment on any specific article appearing on your web site, but simply to express both praise and gratitude for the wealth of wisdom and the roots of faith, hope, and healing to be found there. And I thought prophets were extinct.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Joseph Howard
2005-07-25 12:41:55 UTC
I enjoyed your site and am glad I found it. I am a seminarian in the Episcopal Church and at this time of struggle and moral bankruptcy in both my Church and society I find it refreshing to read about your life in community and your devotion to Christ. Your site is very clear when describing your way of life and your faith without being judgemental. May God richly bless you!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Jacqueline Goddard
2005-07-25 13:41:30 UTC
I have been so encouraged whilst browsing your site. It is brilliant to have such a developed site available with a very balanced message and so honest. There is so much to read that I just don't want to come out which I will have to do if I am to get any sleep tonight!
Just wanted to say thank you for the vast effort and skills employed in making this a very powerful site. I pray you God's blessing and that he will bring many into his kingdom through your ministry and inspire and revive many already part of his family.
And now I will continue to dig!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-25 20:13:03 UTC
Do you hold open days for the public when people can look at your community? If so, are there any days in August?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Ben Guenther
2005-07-25 20:36:59 UTC
I dont even know how I started recieving mail from your daily dig. For some reason I sent the first ones to the delete folder. One day when I decided to see what this was all about, I was pleasantly surprised. If found the message and next messages extremely inspirational and thoughtfully presented.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Victor Maqque
2005-07-25 20:49:45 UTC
I hear about you by my friend Larry, who is a Maryknoll Brother working in Bolivia for any year, in ecology rpograms and always when I meet him we talk about Ecology and new ways to go with our poor native people in this andean areas of south america.
I work at the National University of Altiplano and IŽm very interting to share more about you to our students here.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-26 03:46:04 UTC
Everything that I have read about the Bruderhof community makes me wish I could be there in person sharing the good life and learning to live life in the light of what Jesus taught. But my situation does not allow for me to be there in person. The gift of your wonderful books and all the insights you provide through the medium of your website helps me connect and share in your activities. You have given credence to what i beileve in and given me a sense of community. If there is any way I could be associated with your activites from here in India please do let me know. Maybe someday if I am in a position to travel the first and only place I would like to visit is your Bruderhof community.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-26 07:11:52 UTC
I beileve in Jesus. But I do not see too much of what Jesus taught in Christanity. On one hand Iam sold salvation in polyethene bags or I am expected to lug around a whole load of theologial excess baggage that has no relevance to the reality of things I see or percieve around me. Thankfully, your books have helped me in understanding the relevance of Jesus in my life without really having to 'become' a Christian. I am not too sure if my perception is right. Should I really have to be a Christian to believe in Jesus?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Scott Martinelli
2005-07-26 07:18:38 UTC
I first discovered the Bruderhof from a book I read by J.Heinrich Arnold called Discipleship: Living For Christ in the Daily Grind.This book I would highly recommend to those who hunger for Christ, it definitely whets the appetite.The community and the teachings of Eberhard Arnold have had such a significant impact on my daily life, I hope to visit some day. If not only to say thanks, but to join in fellowship.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
dan brennan
2005-07-26 07:20:55 UTC
I found your site completely by accident. But maybe not. I'm grateful such a forum exists - your articles are a welcome relief and great comfort during this difficult time. Keep up the good work.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
sherry burke
2005-07-26 07:40:18 UTC
I have not read any books yet, but I did want to tell you what a wonderful site you have. I have e mail to my family and booked mark it. I just wanted to say thank you for my new favorite site.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Pamela Dillon
2005-07-26 07:52:36 UTC
I have realized something when reading your web pages. It has come to me over these past months due to talk of Christianity.
I was raised a christian. I was raised Roman Catholic. I was taught to embrace all mankind, no matter what religion one followed.
Did Jesus turn and walk from the infidel? Did Jesus say: "No you are not welcome at my table because you are a follower of Abraham, Muhammed or Buddha? Indeed he did not! Jesus spoke of Love and respect for all men. Jesus spoke of kindness and not of separation. It appears that there is great separation now between Christians and those of other religions. This is unholy! Jesus would not have turned his back on those who were loving, kind and gentle. Jesus respected all men created by God the Creator of us all. He respected the differences of all. He listened. He listened to the wise and holy elders, who were not Christians. They were of other faiths. Jesus celebrated their wisdom and goodness. If we do not do the same, the world over, we do not respect others differences and goodness.
When backs are turned on others because of color, creed and cultural differences by anyone and made to feel as an outsider because that person or persons are not followers of Jesus Christ, we do not invite them to our table. We shun them. This was not the intent of the man called Jesus Christ who walked this earth. Jesus didn't say Love, but only a certain few. Jesus said, Love all men. He said Love! He didn't put conditions on love.
We are all one family! Unless we feel this in our hearts and Souls and teach this we have learned nothing.
Togetherness is where we are headed. Without this we are nothing.
Somehow, in reading your information, I felt this was missing. I cannot come to your table without your believing this and preaching this.
Did not Jesus say: Come King or Beggar? This means everyone! If we get lost in the words, we have forgotten to reach out our hands and extend Love to everyone. This and only this is why we walk this earth. We have no differences if we truly love one another.
When you edit my words, which are meant with kindness, do you truly invite everyone to your table. Do you do what Jesus did with the wise men in the temple? Jesus listened. He listened to the elders. The elders were the Wise men of the temple. Jesus learned from the differences and the wisdom that comes with age.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Pat Hartmann
2005-07-26 08:01:35 UTC
I just want to thank the Bruderhof Communities for the free Daily Dig. It ministers to me in a very special way, and so faithfully! I don't know how you can afford to send the daily meditations and the e-books but I thank God for you. Someday, I would like to visit and work with you for a day. Thank you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Cheryl Schoelles
2005-07-26 11:12:45 UTC
I came to this site thru Beliefnet.
I liked it immediately and have gotten more and more so every time I get my Digger. I write back a lot as you seem to hit a nerve almost every time. I like and admire so much of what you are doing. If I were younger, in better health, if my husband believed as I do, if,if,if. It looks like a good way to live. Still, thru your site, I feel I might be a teeny weeny part.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-26 11:17:50 UTC
I really appreciate this site. Thanks for all your hard word.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Jonas Vaskas
2005-07-26 11:20:48 UTC
I recently attended your conference with my two children, I found it both a peaceful and invigorating experience. Thank you for your communities gracious hospitality, loving spirit, generosity, commitment to Christs teachings and world peace.
Would it be possible to receive the seven questions that couples are asked during their wedding ceremony?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Jolice Provost
2005-07-26 11:26:37 UTC
I got connected to Daily Dig by way of Sojourners Magazine. They used a quote and provided a link to your website. I have greatly enjoyed Daily Digs and often forward them or linked articles to friends and family. Thank you for all you do.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Stephanie Beckman
2005-07-26 11:34:25 UTC
I thank God for the internet. I was looking for a Christian Community and found you. I have ordered Gods Revolution through E-Bay and am anxiously waiting for it. I am looking forward to visiting you!!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Troy Barlow
2005-07-26 11:37:08 UTC
I think it is a sad thing that in this century, the Australian government has made it so hard for your elderly people to obtain permanent visas to stay in our wonderful country, where once upon a time your values, or nearly all your values would have been respected. But instead we allow other people to come and live here, even though they have nothing to give to society as a whole, and unlike your people, will become a burden on Australian taxpayers. I wish you and your Australian community all the luck and the grace of God that you need to best this problem facing you, so you may live in freedom in our beautiful country and continue your work nearby and within my local community.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
Rodney P. Dempsey
2005-07-26 11:40:56 UTC
I greatly enjoy the diversity of thought presented. I believe God speaks to all of us in a different format. No religion or individual has all the answers,as some fundamentalist, Pentecostal, Evanelical try to influence their flocks to accept. The world needs the messages of the Daily Dig to grow in Spirit.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-26 11:43:00 UTC
I find your website truly energizing, not to mention inspiring when considering your "dailies"... Tell me, are there any communities or contacts up here in Canada? Also, since one of your articles mentions a Community in Uruguay (Montevideo?), are there any Communities still in operation in South America?
Personally, I find it very 'confusing' to 'download' or order any of your numerous books... Is there any bookstore outlet that will send books via mail? For me, I have decided not to own a computer nor a credit card... (Talking about conforming to this world, eh?)
Sending my heartfelt "God bless!" your way.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-26 11:43:25 UTC
I happened upon your website while searching for more information about lent and the desire to really take part in the true meaning of this season. I can't tell you how amazed I am at the "daily digs" that I recieve and the effect they have had on me. I truly appreciate the openess and honesty that the articles are written with and the relevance that they have to everyday life and the struggles that we all face. I am able to look at my own life and examine it more honestly because I don't feel so ashamed. You make me realize that everyone struggles with issues and that, although we may be ashamed of what we have done, we can recognize this as the first step of acknowledging those actions and commiting ouselves to change. Being able to identify with the authors of the "digs" makes me feel less "alone" in my own personal struggles and more likely to undertake the task of making changes. Again, thank you and I look forward to the continued guidance that your website has provided me.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm
2005-07-26 12:12:20 UTC
I Think that this site is interesting of all ranges of peple/Your site is gold for us.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/us/Who_we_are/GuestBook.htm