The Advent, the preparation for the Coming, is a remarkable time for those of us who believe. It is our chance to recognize that the Kingdom begins here with us. Jesus gave us a task. It may be too few of us really turn our hand to that task. If more of us who are Christians really took the Gospel for truth instead of some pious and fashionable platitudes, catch-phrases, spins or pretty tales, we might really facilitate the coming, the advent, of the Kingdom of our Father. Arent we told to redeem the time? Arent we expected to work to restore Eden? We are made new in Him. With that comes the responsibility of making new all that we touch. New wine cannot be put into old wineskins, neither in us nor the wider Creation. From us must flow the gifts of the Spirit into His Creation.
Bonhoeffer is quite right (in your paraphrase). If we truly believed, not gave lip service, but truly believed, the Gospel, we would be terrified. I for one, have no idea how I will talk my way out of my reckless behavior. Lets face it, once we are indwelt by the Holy Ghost (holy guest) there is no excuse for faithless living.
I think, though, that we do not understand that our God, the Triune God, is a Living Deity. He is not wallpaper, but living. We do forget that and we forget, too, that the same God, Who sent prophets then, still sends prophets today. He is the same God, and we, regretfully, are the same, unheeding people. We still persecute the prophets among us.
Let us, then, draw near with fear and trembling, in holy awe. We dare not stand in His Presence in our pride and self-assuredness. That will not do. We dare not tempt Him.
When Jesus, Who knows all things I have done, asks me "Why?" what do I say? Certainly, it is better if I set my hand to the plough and not look back. Besides, if I keep busy working for His Kingdom, I will stand less chance of getting into trouble!
May the Holy Ghost open our eyes now, that we may begin His work. Jesus assures us we all get the same pay, so we may as well begin sooner, rather than later. (Practice makes perfect, after all.) Show ourselves anxious to work for Him, instead of lazily waiting in the town-square. If we read the Gospels, we know what needs to be done, why do we wait?
St. Teresa dAvila made the point centuries ago, that ours are the hands of Jesus. In all humility, we are the only Jesus others come into contact with. It behooves us to put our best foot forward. If they dont see the Gospel alive in us, where do they look and how do we explain this to Him?
Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.
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