Dorothy Days article dredges up two memories. An ancient one: Edwin Arlington Robinsons poem MINIVER CHEEVY (who begrudged the present, and wished he lived in a glorious, imaginary past), and a brand new memory - a conversation I had with a modern-day pilgrim who asked why our Presbyterian Church did not stress the coming of Christ.
A timely question for the first Sunday of Advent - yet the stranger in our midst was convinced that Thessalonians held the key (ignoring that we "know not the day nor the hour"), and he insisted the signs were all there, the coming imminent.
While some look at Iraq and Palestine, and prophesy the end of days, our Churchs members will go about quietly, cooking meals for the nearby homeless shelter, donating clothing to troubled teens at a foster residence, offering time and financial support to our FOCUS food pantry and breakfast program.
We did not need Dorothy Day to remind us that Christ comes to us every day, in many guises. If only we could shut down the war in Iraq, turn our swords back into plowshares, and invest Americas time and talents in more worthy pursuits, like feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, schooling the uneducated, healing the sick and bringing justice to the oppressed.
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