Room for Christ
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Fred Rucker111
2005-11-08 16:33:21 UTC
I work with the poor everyday and I must admit that it is hard to see Christ in all of them but I am sure it is hard for some of them to see Christ in me! He is in us all no matter how dirty or unpleasant we may be.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-11-29 10:32:11 UTC
As a young person, I had the privilege of working with Dorothy, trying to live this vision. There should be no mistake, this is a hard calling. Because we are not (yet) Christ, it is hard for us to meet Christ. The person who needs us is often not someone we want to know at all. But (s)he is nonetheless the only person in which we are able to know our Maker and Lover. My callings have taken me away from a life organized primarily around what Dorothy knew, but there is no better way to live and we are all called to some measure of meeting Jesus in our neighbors.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-11-29 14:18:47 UTC
How difficult it is, cocooned in our middle-class comfort, to reach out and help others whom we fear might in some way threaten the little island of security we have created for ourselves and our families. But increasingly I have the feeling that we are all one family and that we do need to reach out and touch the lives of others around us, for our good as well as for theirs. Individually we can do very little about the big problems that beset the world, a simple act of love to a fellow human being in need - to Christ - is all most of us can do. And such acts make room for Christ in our hearts. May God bring us all a little nearer to others and to his Son this advent.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
M. Chung
2005-11-29 20:03:45 UTC
I read your comments about "Room for Christ" and thought about my experiences living in a big city with its hosts of social problems especially homelessness. And while I agree in principle with your article thought how foolhardy it would be to invite total strangers into ones home. Having said that I am not as coldhearted as you may assume. Through my church I give to a local shelter - money, food, and clothing and at work I give through United Way. I have often thought of only giving at church but I remember that Jesus helped all - the Gentiles as well as the Jews, so I give to religious organizations and those that are not. In this way I think I invite or provide room for those in need as I walk the paths in a big city. I still question my actions and wonder if I can be compared to those who personally invite strangers into their home but continue to help in the way described above until I can come to the place where a more personal giving can be achieved.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Divya Bijlwan
2005-11-30 02:03:26 UTC
Thats true. God is always with us, because he is within us. He will stay as long as we have faith and love for him in our hearts. We have no way of knowing if he was ever alive but what we know for sure is that he is still living and will continue to live forever. He existed even before the birth of Christ and has continued to live ever since. To know God exists we need to count our blessings and all the beautiful things God has put into the course of our lives.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-11-30 12:12:07 UTC
All too often we wrongfully think of serving God on a "mission field" far from home. It is becoming fashionable to take a "mission focused vacation" to some far off place while ignoring those in need around us. I believe the true mission field is to serve Christ at home, in our own neighborhoods, and to minister to the invisible within our midsts. We all need to ponder the message of this article.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Mary Ann Jeselson
2005-11-30 14:34:39 UTC
Day frames Matthew 25 for us in a way that pulls us right into the picture. She sees in a clearer way than most of us because she has taken Christ and his words to heart and by sharing her heart with us, we are inspired to also see Christ at our doors, in the streets, in the stores, on the subways and roadways. Thank you God for Dorothy Day.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Salifu Sani
2005-11-30 16:03:47 UTC
I really enjoy the dig. I cant wait to see more.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-11-30 20:35:00 UTC
"If everyone were holy and handsome, with alter Christus shining in neon lighting from them, it would be easy to see Christ in everyone." That is the crux of the problem. How to see Christ in those who are not "holy and handsome" (appropriate, suitable, adroit, generous, and/or beautiful). Could it be that one must see Christ in themselves first? Accept Christ in themselves first? Make room for Christ?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-12-01 02:34:34 UTC
A wonderful and so true article. A reminder that it doesnt matter if we are rich or poor, black, white, brown or yellow that Christ is in all of us and that we should treat everyboby with love and respect at all times not just during special holidays. I am printing this article to read from from time to time and also pass it on for others to read. Thank you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Tim O'Toole
2005-12-02 08:33:35 UTC
Dorothy Days article dredges up two memories. An ancient one: Edwin Arlington Robinsons poem MINIVER CHEEVY (who begrudged the present, and wished he lived in a glorious, imaginary past), and a brand new memory - a conversation I had with a modern-day pilgrim who asked why our Presbyterian Church did not stress the coming of Christ.

A timely question for the first Sunday of Advent - yet the stranger in our midst was convinced that Thessalonians held the key (ignoring that we "know not the day nor the hour"), and he insisted the signs were all there, the coming imminent.

While some look at Iraq and Palestine, and prophesy the end of days, our Churchs members will go about quietly, cooking meals for the nearby homeless shelter, donating clothing to troubled teens at a foster residence, offering time and financial support to our FOCUS food pantry and breakfast program.

We did not need Dorothy Day to remind us that Christ comes to us every day, in many guises. If only we could shut down the war in Iraq, turn our swords back into plowshares, and invest Americas time and talents in more worthy pursuits, like feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, schooling the uneducated, healing the sick and bringing justice to the oppressed.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Jane Mullikin
2005-12-02 14:59:13 UTC
I was helping serve a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at the Horizon House where the homeless receive counseling and other types of assistance. One beautiful young woman softly remarked it would be the first holiday without her kids and she didnt know if shed make it. My heart went out to her and I told her Id pick her up at the shelter for Thanksgiving dinner.

She was greatly impacted at the dinner by the encouraging support of another woman who had been also lived her pain. At that dinner she met an "earth angel" who passed over the same night.

Still, I did not realize the importance of a simple moments heart tug until yesterday when she told the minister a kind person had picked her off the street and taken her for Thanksgiving dinner.

I am so grateful God gave me this opportunity to arrange the meeting between the women. And I am so painfully aware how easily I could have failed to respond to her plea.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-12-02 23:32:02 UTC
This is the most beautiful daily dig and the truest I have ever read. I believe it is Christ Himself speaking to our hearts and reminding us of the privilege of being called by Him to serve others. Everything we have belongs to Christ and therefore to our fellow man. This Christmas I will be giving all I have to share with others. This made me cry in its utter truth and beauty.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-12-03 04:03:08 UTC
It is an exellent message.Thank you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Cheryl Smith
2005-12-03 11:31:55 UTC
When we think of all the things we dont do for our fellow man it is sad. I hope we as individual all over realize we dont know when it is our turn. I hope we take a look at ourselves....

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Sister Grace Marie Mueller
2005-12-03 20:34:28 UTC
A wonderful reflection for this time of year. Anything by Dorothy Day is worth reflecting on....

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
2005-12-04 04:03:10 UTC
This article has indeed opened my eyes this morning, to the needs of the many and how I may help. Thank you for opening my heart and mind and spirit.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Taiwo Ajai-Lycett
2005-12-04 18:03:22 UTC
This piece should be an ode to love - and a true exposition of what it is to be spiritual. For if we are made in His image, and know Him to be such a compassionate God, tolerant of our many foibles, perhaps it might then be clear to us that Christ is as much in our unfortunate neighbour as much as He dwells in us. I am particularly touched by this article because this has been the subject of my discussions with my students and staff over the last few weeks, as a result of my concern about inconsistent christian behaviour toward one another. Thank you for such a resonant, not to mention luminous look at the Holy Scriptures, reminding us about the eternal relevance of the Life of the man Jesus. Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He rules, OK!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Mary E. Waldron
2005-12-05 00:03:18 UTC
These words of Dorothy Day are a true and timely reminder as we settle in for the pre-Christmas whirl. While it might not be possible for me to to open my home literally to "the poor" at Christmas--am I absolutely sure that it is not?--I can still remember to be especially generous to those organizations that work to provide food, clothing and shelter to Christ in my neighbor. A custom in our family is to do this in the family name and give a gift card to specifying the gift, to be read in the family circle when gifts are open. It helps to bring the Holy Family in from the cold stable to the warmth of the family hearth.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Rollin Coleman
2005-12-06 11:00:38 UTC
Truly a first rate meditation on how a Christian can live in Christ in these modern times, 2000 years removed from the Lords physical presence. True faith is not simply expressing belief , it is found in acts that the Christ Himself would perform.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm
Edna Richardson
2005-12-06 16:03:53 UTC
What a beautiful reminder of my calling as a Christian. God has indeed blessed you with the gift of selecting just the right reading. Thank you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/RoomForChrist.htm