Out of 24 comments, 4 are slightly funny. I say "slightly" because their humor is diminished by my anger at the other "jokes" which are filled with threats of violence, coercion & manifest hostility.
They are:
(1) Direct threats of physical violence: "Religion, Time Travel, Irony, Circle of Life, Anticipation, Receiving"
(2)Coercive control by fear & guilt: "If you dont eat your vegetables...If you dont stop crossing your eyes...There are millions of less fortunate children..."
(3)Hostility: All of them, plus "Youre just like your father" is certainly an indictment in this context, condemning the child and the offensive parent.
(4) And, as is stated, the "most important:
The ultimate curse: "One day youll have kids and I hope they will turn out just like you."
Given the deep wounds and ugly scars words like these inflicted on so many of us at the hands of our either insensitive & thoughtless or cruel mothers when we were young and vulnerable -- I protest. Let us not continue to be blind to the true nature of these remarks. The person who compiled them with clever classifications had only witty intentions in mind (consciously), Im sure. But the unconscious speaks loudly and the child does not forget. We desire to be mothered and long to be connected to and loved by the woman who parented us. While many were loved by their mothers, their mothers could only "love" as they themselves were loved...by threats of violence, coercion and fear. Many of your readers may object to my comments -- believing me to take this sincere attempt at Mothers Day humor too seriously and reading way too much into it. I ask them to consider this: How marvelous it would be if we had memories of mom telling us how special we are -- how much joy we bring to the family. How our sense of humor makes life more fun. How our urge to explore encourages the family to have more adventures. Etc. Memories of how much your mother and father love each other so that when your mother says youre just like your father, youre thrilled!
I hope another reader understands what Im trying to say or else I have not expressed it well. Ill check back to see what others have to say and perhaps, respond.
Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/mother-taught-me.htm