(too old to reply)
2005-12-03 09:34:41 UTC
We confuse the earthly with the eternal cuz the eternal is too scary and too far away to be tangible. Instant gratification is what we all seek. We all want something to make us feel good, and we want it now, cuz someone somewhere has deprived us of a love and peace that was sent from God.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
Brent Hart
2005-12-03 16:03:08 UTC
The quote today is very relevant, although it is a statue sculped by man, the focus of the eyes piercing into the future were divinely ordained for now.

The eyes are seeing 2006, a year when what can be shaken will be shaken. A year when those who have sown good seed will reap a bountiful harvest and those who did not will also reap of what they have sown.

The incarnated child is now a King and He has a Kingdom that rules the earth now.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
Ed DeGrenier
2005-12-04 22:34:28 UTC
This contemplation on Mary helps define the focus of the Spiritual. We concentrate too much on the Physical,it seems.

Her presence as well as her Son.Jesus Christ , helps us
in our struggle to keep the" Physical"at arms length and
be aware of things that are "Not Seen".....

This is what it means to me.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
Robert di Grappa
2005-12-05 18:03:48 UTC
One of the most simple, succint, and profound messages I have ever heard. The only other time was when Brother Bernardi from The Perfect Way broadcast out of Highland Park, Illinois wrote to me an encouragement many years ago. He said, "It is a moment by moment walk by grace, through faith, in Spirit consciousness, in constant dialogue".

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
2005-12-06 00:03:20 UTC
It is consciousness - the simple and only/all important notion we humans can have. And it is also a gift. Even the desire for it is a gift.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
2005-12-06 04:03:17 UTC
Having The Daily Dig is inspirational and uplifting. Although I dont always agree with everything said, the comments are thought provoking and help me start the day in a prayerful mood.
I would like to have the meditations on one page....often I save these and cant get to the link when Im on the road...
Keep up the good work!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
Carol Anderson
2005-12-06 08:39:40 UTC
What came to my mind was the song "Mary Did You Know?" and her trying to wrap her mind around the fact that she was holding the embodiment of God in her arms. What an awesome thought to contemplate and also to wonder about what this embodiment meant for her future and the future of mankind.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
2005-12-06 09:23:29 UTC
It brings to mind/heart Marys declaration: "My soul doth magnify the Lord" . . . I imagine her inviting us to dust off the mirror of ourselves and reflect to this world the being God intended us to be and in turn invite others
to look within . . . and find their true self . . .

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
Diane Ranney
2005-12-06 15:32:22 UTC
Perhaps the only way to truly see what Mary sees is to look into each and every face we meet, day by day, month by month, and see Her Son shining through the masks we wear to avoid being hurt.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Meditation.htm
