Dying with Dignity
(too old to reply)
2004-12-15 11:38:44 UTC
Although I have at one time sought to do this in my own life, I still believe that there is nothing wrong with wanting to die with whatever dignity you still have left. Why is it humane to euthanize animals that are dying, but it is not ok with humans? I know at the time that it was not right for me to die at the time that I did want to die and I knew there was much more for me to do in this life. But I still think, that when my time comes and if I so feel it is right, then I will still die in what I call dignity. Either way, I know that God will understand.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
Judy Newman
2005-01-15 15:02:43 UTC
I think that a lot of harm has been done by the notion that suffering somehow makes us worthwhile. Dying a long and painful death is valued by some major religions as somehow redemptive. Think what a different world it would be if we knew that death was simply the end of life as we know it and that having suffered all our lives was very sad and served no purpose. While the notion of suffering in order to get into heaven may help slaves, abused women and children, political prisoners and so on to tolerate horrible situations, it would be much more useful for us to spend out energies working to put an end to intolerable treatment. Let's all try to be close to our families and friends and have a positive influence on our world without having to accomplish that by making people suffer with us.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
Louise Cartledge
2005-01-31 05:15:19 UTC
i feel that if someone is in so much pain and is fed up with their life, i think that peope should have their own opinion on what they want to do with their lives. Doctors have to make sure that they are not "drugged up" and make sure that it is the perons decision and not someone else's!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
Hannah Lock
2005-07-14 15:36:52 UTC
I think it is a bad idea because who really should choose whether someone lives or dies? Whos place is it to say "yes you can come here on this date and you will die." Surely it is Gods choice on whether a certain person should die. If a person kills another person then they are playing God and I dont think this side of it was right. Whether you call it assisted sucide or dying with dignity it all boils down to murder. You are taking somebodys life when it is their calling, so it is murder.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
Joe Hine
2005-08-05 12:10:15 UTC
The writer, a medical doctor, lives at the Darvell Bruderhof in East
Sussex, England.
Post by Candy
2005-09-02 08:32:15 UTC
This piece reminded me of something I read on-line about the handling of the dying process in other cultures. I guess there has been some wisdom and experiece in this area. The most difficult part of commenting on the dying process is that it is so personal. No one can really speak for another.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
2005-09-08 23:06:21 UTC
This topic was discussed this week by the aides at the nursing home where I work. I was gently talking to an old woman about going Home. I was telling her that like my mom who passed on just before Christmas in 2000 gave me a present. Not to see her in pain and suffering. I told the aides I did not think Dr. Kervorkian should be in jail. I believe if a person wants to end this life and goes to a doctor for assistance that Doctor should not be judged. I do not believe in taking someone's life. The decision should be thiers.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
Eric Hendrix
2005-11-07 15:31:52 UTC
While I agree with the writer and appreciate his comments I find that he, too, falls into the bracket of simply addressing the obvious concerning the ongoing euthanasia debate. The question burning in me over this topic has more to do with the technology available today which keeps us alive beyond when we would have died much sooner in the past. At what point does technology enter the discussion, that and the medical profession's misguided attempts to prolong death? Is the person desirous of facing the inevitable without saddling family left behind with large medical bills or the person attempting to avoid contributing to the dishonesty of insurance payments to the medical profession "wrong" for wanting to end it all? Is it fair to compare a cancer-riddled body and spirit with Christ's atoning sacrifice on the Cross? Thank you for a great essay but I do believe it is incomplete without a more thorough discussion of the subject.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
2005-11-26 01:31:38 UTC
I agree completely with your conclusion.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm
2005-12-06 05:32:05 UTC
Your moral view is yours- that euthanasia is not dignified. I can see your point. However that is your opinion, and for someone who differed, I think that they should have the option of assisted death. Its their life after all.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/DyingWithDignity.htm