An Effective Response to Terrorism
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Bruderhof News
2005-07-27 06:30:32 UTC
Check out this article at Bruderhof.com:

An Effective Response to Terrorism -
by David Christie

An army officer with frontline experience in counter-terrorism operations, David Christie still carries a piece of terrorist grenade in his body. Read his amazing story of how Britian's tough-as-nails Scottish Rifles beat Middle Eastern terrorists by refusing to returning fire.

Read the rest of this article at:
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2005-08-08 03:59:19 UTC
Even though I would love the world to be like this, it all sounds idealistic and unachieveable. Why do we need prisons? If we did not defend ourselves we would be slaves to whatever bad people had power.
Why were British troops in Aden. I knew a Scotsman who served in Aden. He told me that they used to throw prisoners out of the backs of lorries and then shoot them for trying to escape. When he told me, I said to him, "you wouldnt do that?", he replied, "I did".
So much for high-minded Scottish soldiers.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-08-30 23:35:49 UTC
Excellent Article, David Christie has hit the nail on the head. If The Sadddams, The Bushs, The Ayatollahs, The Bin Ladens, The Blairs and other leaders and Head of States had to go to war and lead from the front there would be practically no war. There would be no Fatwahs and suicide bombers and KamiKazee pilots. All these Leaders and Generals sitting in their cosy offices can command these poor soldiers and mercenaries to go and kill and be killed. Are these soldiers foolish or are they being conned to do these things in the line of duty. there should be a law that a leader or Head of State should lead from the front. It would be an interesting debate indeed.

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Jack Wopata
2005-08-31 05:36:46 UTC
An outstanding story that "walks its talk." Something very rare in todays age.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
K. Michael VerKamp
2005-08-31 11:03:39 UTC
Amen! It seems so obvious that peace is the only solution, I wonder how anyone could "choose" war. I have prayed that the nations who have started this war against the poverty stricken people of the middle east would see the error in their ways. If the $200+ Billion had been spent on kindness, what a different world we could have created. Instead, all these resources have been spent on hate, destruction, and revenge - thus generating more hate and revenge, and I worry more destruction. The injustice in the world needs to be addressed with Gods love, not the Devils fire.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-08-31 21:04:59 UTC
A heart-felt and compassionate narrative from one who understands and experienced first hand trauma of war and strife. It is remarkable to me how many truly peace loving individuals relate to the horror and bigotry of war and battle, yet the minority decision makers still make war a priority while we peaceful majority allow it to happen. How do we really give peace a chance?
I dont know the answer, but I will continue to pray and ask God for guidance and clarity on helping to create a peaceful existence for the planet.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Suzanne Rowe
2005-09-01 04:32:04 UTC
There is nothing like first-hand experience to qualify ones opinion and your story is further proof that war is not the answer. I, too, have witnessed suffering...enough to open my eyes to the love of Jesus and what was meant by "forgiving your enemies". How leaders can portend to be Christian and then turn a blind eye to the reality at hand astounds me. It will take a revolution from the ground up to turn the tides of this current madness. A revolution consisting of peaceful thoughts and powerful prayer. There is light at the end of the tunnel...we cannot give up hope. There are too many sensible people in the world who have the capabilty, with God, to make the change to love. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Michael Hamer
2005-09-01 13:04:12 UTC
"An eye for an eye", the ancient term for "one-up-manship" has never done anything but prolong conflict. The real end to conflict only comes when one party simply decides to not participate in the conflict, no matter what. It brings to mind an effective description of a humble spirit: "Power under control". Jesus gave us the example 2000 years ago. Its a shame that so many believers havent grasped the concept yet. The song says that "theyll know we are Christians by our love", not by the flag we fly, the political party we belong to, the clothes we wear, or how much "butt we kick".

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Daniel Dahlquist
2005-09-01 21:39:16 UTC
Christie is right, of course. I would be interested to learn what he thinks of the recent remodeling and reshaping of Jesus into a modern-day action figure. The Lamb of God I grew up with seems to have vanished. I do not understand why so many who call themselves Christians support the current war in Iraq, a manufactured war that has only served to create more enemies of America. It is the old men who hold power who send the young to die, and it has always been so.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Bruce D
2005-09-02 03:36:36 UTC
A truly provocative article, about a central issue of these times were living in. Sadly, I dont believe that very many people who consider themselves to be "Christians," would choose to follow the way of non-violence outlined in the article. Thats why I always say--- Id be a Christian myself, if it wasnt for the Christians!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-02 11:36:25 UTC
Absolutely wonderful! Thank you. I wish that more would follow with this thinking. How different our whole world would be. Weve got people like Pat Robertson saying that a leader of another country should be assinated, what does this say about people in power? President Bush is not willing to meet with a mother who lost her son in the very war that he started and making her out to be disruptive, what does this say about his leadership? We can only pray that Someone intervenes and brings a halt to so much destruction.
Please, keep your writings coming and maybe theyll be read by all the people who need to read them in order to change what is happening in this wonderful world of ours.

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Archie Hockney
2005-09-02 19:34:35 UTC
How perceptive to raise the analogy between the current state of the world and the ineffective and cowardly behaviour of politicians. I entirely agree with the author of this article. I do not feel that they are fit to lead crowds never mind nations. So rarely do we see any of them act with integrity and honour. In the west we talk of celebrities and sports stars having a responsibility to todays youth. Surely, the office of politician needs to consider itself similarly important. I would rather be led by Churchill, Gandhi, Chief Seattle or Nelson Mandela than any of todays charades. These leaders had vision and were altruistic in their decision-making processes. Truly they loved their people and accepted the mantle of their office with responsibility and pride. If we are to engender leadership in our children, we must strive for the highest levels of morality and altruistic determination in who we elect. As the author reflects, all too often the decisions are made by those in influence, by party politics and maneuverings rather than on the real factors affecting peoples lives. If I were to be in politics I would want to do want was right and what was needed for the majority of my electorate, even if that meant losing. I realise that it is never quite that simple but it can never be as complex as they make it either. In much of what we see in the world, the underdogs are not listened to and are dismissed. I have some sympathy for socialist regimes they at least aspire to look after everyone. Our western policies say that they will care for all but the overly complex systems that we put in place defy the aims and poverty remains. Like religion, most political systems have forgotten their history and the basis for their existence, namely to represent the downtrodden and oppressed. Instead we see them in fast cars, with lavish lifestyles making mistake after mistake with impunity. They arent punished, simply moved to another office until the dust settles. Their incompetence surfaces again as they break cover... I also do not feel that we should allow them to become embroiled as they all do with business interests on the side. Politicians should not be allowed to partake in anything other than politics. Then we would see who wants the real job of leadership. It is time for people everywhere to set greater standards for politicians and to be more involved in achieving what we want for the world, our global world.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Elisabeth K. Simpson
2005-09-03 02:32:46 UTC
David Christie is absolutely right, I believe. It is the hardest part of being both a Christian and an American, but it is essential to exercising and protecting true freedom. Unfortunately governments rarely, if ever, recognize the truth of such action, and the military likewise. To me the peacemaking enacted in the story Christie related, was much like Gandhis. And the South African experience needs to be more widely shared. Thank you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-03 12:17:47 UTC
An army officer with frontline experience in dealing with terrorism, David
Christie served with three armies on four continents, and still carries a
piece of terrorist grenade in his body. He was Captain and Adjutant for the
1st Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) and 2nd Battalion Malaysia
Rangers, and qualified as a U.S. Airborne Ranger. Since 1989 he has served
as a chaplain with the South African Police.
Post by Bruderhof News
Scott Lyons
2005-09-03 07:03:59 UTC
Dear Friend, Your article gives me great hope, though I confess to being more than a little cynical as regards the government of my country, the US. I, too, have often asked why, if our president and his hangers-on think this war so important, they do not march out and show their conviction and courage....I enjoyed your account. It speaks of the integrity of the Gospel and I thank you. In these terrible times, your account gives hope of a bright future in Christ Jesus.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-03 16:32:35 UTC
I certainly hope the members of Al Queada and Mr. Zarquai read todays message on Terrorism. Was it not them who started bombing Embassies in the 80s, Beirut, The US Cole, The first and second World Trade Center bombings? Prior to President Bush we just let these incidents go, in other words we hit the snooze button and went back to sleep. Finding a point of understanding with each other is a Christian way to proceed in any negotiation, but we are not dealing with Christians, but with members of a far right Islamic Cult inspired in their Madrases from an early age to hate and learn to kill Jews and Americans and Christians world-wide. The only solution I see will be their complete destruction while attempting to offer peace. But we must be vigilant and relentless in routing out these fanatics. All good members of this faith which have this corrupting element of fanaticism must stand up and speak out against their bad brothers of Islam. Until then it will likely be business as usual for them. No end in sight. This is a global problem and it is not just about the USA or its past policies. I believe it was British rule that divided the Arab landscape in the 20s that has caused the clashes amongst themselves. Most of their regimes are corrupt and the lack of freedom and some form of democracy has caused most of their problems. Just provide for me a list of those in the Arab world who could be compared to Madame Currie, Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk, or any other global peace maker or persons who have made a real contribution to the world at large. Kind of hard to do isnt it! I believe Anwar Saddat tops the list, but he was soon murdered by the same people we are fighting today. You see they just do not want a Peace Maker. And if it is Death they want, I am sure people just like me can provide them their wish to meet Allah and their 40 Virgins in their afterlife, or their one way trip to hell, whichever it may be. As in the past the US will remain open and will always offer a peaceful solution, but if there is no one to accept this offer, no one leader who can be identified, then just who are we going to offer peace to? It is their desire to die, not ours, we do not use Homocide Bombers who kill women, men, the old, the young, infants, the infirmed, and the innocent in the name of Allah! We just do not operate that way and never have taken any more land after a war than it took to bury our dead who were fighting for FREEDOM. That will always remain the rule for the USA. The Rule of Law and not the Rule of Islam will eventually win this war.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Judith Philpot
2005-09-04 00:32:10 UTC
Excellent!!! We need David Christie for our president.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Dr. Robert M. Santry
2005-09-04 13:04:49 UTC
From one padre to another padre I say "Amen." You, Reverend and dear Sir, are absolutely correct in espousing non-violence and demonstrating how a modern military can win the minds and hearts of the people through non-violence. M. Ghandi used this principle well to win freedom for India. M.L. King, Jr., witnessed non-violence during the civil rights movement (USA). Mr. Ghandi and Dr. King, of happy memory, are two of my heroes. Thank you Chaplain Christie.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
J. Brantley
2005-09-05 07:36:36 UTC
I dont know much about military maneuvers or political strategy, but I do know some things about people, and I believe that David Christie has beautifully expressed what I instinctively knew to be true at the beginning of the war in Iraq. Immediately after 9/11 the United States stood in a position of strength. We were united as a people, and people of good will all over the world stood with us. We have squandered that strength by escalating the cycle of violence. We seem to be unable to simply ask ourselves, "How would I react if I were _____ ?" (fill in the blank with any enemy, real or perceived). If we want to fight back, to claim unfairness, to seek revenge, etc., then why would someone else act differently? We seem to think that our attempts to show force or to bully into submission should elicit a different response from others than it does from us. What if we and our leaders had the strength to forebear and to stand against violence? There are few things sadder than a priceless opportunity lost.

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W.. noble
2005-09-05 17:05:38 UTC
Good reading about a real tough situation. Lift Jesus higher in the hard places,and things go better.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Sunny Thomas
2005-09-06 11:58:30 UTC
I entirely agree with the above said views. I wonder how many readers are familiar with Mohandas Gandhi and his views on non-violence. Gandhi who was an inspiration to Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. is more relevant today than any time before. The Christian virtues spoken of above found fulfillment in his life. Reading his philosophy in his own words is most informative and seems to be the only answer to a world torn by violence and hatred. As Martin Luther King Jr. said We may ignore Gandhi only at our own risk.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-06 15:46:35 UTC
It is so true that in most cases people who start wars cant even stand for it themselves. They are willing to sacrifice other lives while theirs are still intact, Christ Jesus is the only leader who was prepared to die for his people, and the funny thing is we didnt even deserve it. But being the leader that he is, he did it without looking at how people will belittle him in the process. The issue of terrorism will only be defeated if our leaders emulate the greatest to have ever set foot on earth. I know it is hard but I believe it will be worthwhile.

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Carl Holmes
2005-09-06 15:49:51 UTC
It seems to go against all common sense that if you want to disarm the enemy you need to disarm yourself first. Sometimes though the things God calls us to do make no sense in the world of "common sense". I wonder if we disarmed ourselves in Iraq if we would see change. The political pundits would be angry that momas boys are fighting a war with no protection for themselves. I think a few scared Iraqi civillians would appreciate it.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-07 02:33:12 UTC
I think it is a great article. If we had leaders like Christie we would soon see a peaceful solution to the war in Iraq & Afganistan.

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Michael Boss
2005-09-07 17:39:18 UTC
I think this article raises the bar for how we should define "Christian leadership." We are falling way short of the mark.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-08 21:07:35 UTC
I truly believe that IRAQ is like no other form of aggressive killing. Therefore there is no correlation to any conflict in history, including Vietnam. My son is a marine traveling to Egypt as I type this. My advice to him the last time I saw him in person, "REACT quickly to the situation, without thinking, if you stop to think, it might be the time you need to survive." Most wars have clearly defined sides, us against them, good vs. evil, etc... Iraq does not, anyone at anytime can be killed by IEDs, women, children, clerics, Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, Christian or Muslim, young or old, it doesnt matter, it is indiscriminate killing with no victory or goal. They kill daily for what? They have no clearly defined END to their killing. Almost all conflicts in history were settled by the two sides sitting down and talking. Abner and Joab, Germans and the rest of the world, Japan and America, the conflict in South Africa settled by the two different sides agreeing to stop the violence. Which terrorist in IRAQ is going to sit down and talk? Sorry did not mean to vent. Enjoyed your article. God can stop the killing, so I pray to Jesus Christ through him all things are possible.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-09 19:07:14 UTC
I wish this article could appear on the front page of every paper in this country. Well written and well thought out.

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Kelvin Jones
2005-09-10 10:57:22 UTC
Sir, A very hearftelt and inspiring story. Thank you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Anne Gerster
2005-09-10 13:31:37 UTC
If only we could believe, "turn the other cheek...love your enemies." Our world would look different today. We must strive to follow Jesus. Help us our Lord

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-11 02:33:10 UTC
The article is an rare eye opener. How less we think when we want the leadership role. We all aspire to be in the coveted leadership role at office, among our friends and peers, in family. But little do we want to do it an peaceful manner. We expect to subjugate, slight, and "teach lessons" and grow rich through the role. But "Jesus way" of leadership takes longer to sink in, shows results later than usual and finally is the most effective. I appreciate the commanding officer who was a source of example and strength to his men and formidable to his enemies who were resorting to paranoia-induced reactions on the advancing strong army battalion. All it takes to be a leader is to forget self, and be ready to die for the ones who follow .Today leaders make colossal blunders when they represent their countries. If they are to explain themselves they fail miserably triggering angry reactions. Little do they realise the value of the guys who work behind the scenes, their bureaucrats, soldiers, experts and newsmen. Mudslinging is rampant and there is zero accountability.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Claudia Kirk
2005-09-11 17:38:52 UTC
Inspiring and challenging, and very much what this country needs to hear, both pacifists and warriors. We have the Way ofChrist before us, but it is narrow, and many, perhaps including myself, go by the broader way that leads to destruction, because we think that our physical salvation is uppermost.
I printed this out to send to a war supporter. Ive got some ambivalence about Iraq - I opposed the war heartily going up to it, but now that we have started the process of democracy there - dont we owe it to the common man there to see that we dont leave a black hole of chaos? Im confused

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Christopher Ncholas Constantinos
2005-09-12 01:06:44 UTC
It says we are a product of our environment. When born into peace its understandable one will be peaceful, so when all you know is hate and war then surely all you will know is hate and war Due to the lack of any benchmark how would one know love and peace, due to your environment you would think this is right and the norm, it starts at home, with the parents. Our children feed on what we give them. If its unripe and unclean, then they will be poisoned, and will find new ways and better ways to hate, after all they are the best and worst of all the generations that followed, its they way of life. Let justice be a seed and peace the flower, justice to all, peace out.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Dena Lee
2005-09-12 12:52:54 UTC
Thank you. This is the best article that I have read from your service to date. That is saying a lot. Because several of your articles are outstanding. This, however, is pertinent, reevent, timely, seasoned with words of grace and intriguing. Again, thank you for your choice.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Craig Granger
2005-09-12 16:34:06 UTC
Mr. Christies article is a wonderfully calm and measured look at a chaotic world scene. Although I am usually put off by the flower-power, anti-war tones of most articles that address this issue, Mr. Christies article takes a different tack. As a Bible based, experience based response it has not only substance, but authority. It is nice to hear from someone who has been there, done that, and made it work, rather than just some deep thinker who lacks experience.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Susan Maxwell
2005-09-13 06:32:58 UTC
This may an idealitic vision, but what is wrong with that? Ghandi achieved much more with his peaceful civil disobedience than terrorism could have done.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Susan Sink
2005-09-14 03:06:41 UTC
Mr. Christies article reminded me of another good example in the New Yorker in the spring. It told of a young US officer in Fallujah, faced with an angry mob of citizens, who knelt and turned his gun to the ground and had his men do the same. It immediately calmed the situation, and he was able to proceed with negotiations. He said his training for that situation was to fire warning shots, but "the problem with that is, the next thing you have to do is fire real shots." The spiral of violence. He was a farm kid from Iowa, and asked how he knew what to do, he said it just made sense to him. Im sure his men would follow him anywhere-- they were after all willing to kneel and point their guns at the ground alongside him.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Mary Sue Amin
2005-09-15 00:33:31 UTC
My sentiments exactly. "A large part of the problem in the world today is that the people who start wars do not fight in them. If they did, we would have fewer wars." My dad was in WW II. He essentially said the same thing to me when discussing war. I hope and pray that the killing will stop. Instead of spending money on building better bombs, I wish we would spend more money on learning how to arrive at peace.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-15 09:39:20 UTC
Peacemakers are truly to be admired.

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Dolores Petrisin
2005-09-15 19:39:37 UTC
Please send this article to President George W. Bush, our Christian president.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-16 07:05:48 UTC
Thank you for a wonderful article. The story of Christ also sounds INSANELY "idealistic and unachieveable." However, if we call ourselves Christians then we supposedly believe in the functionality of non-violence in the face tyranny... even when its not practical and doesnt make sense to us.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-17 19:38:23 UTC
The author is right on target.....

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Brian D. McKnight
2005-09-20 20:00:48 UTC
That is only the truth told as it should be. It brought a better understanding to me about life. Even though God wont interfere with our worldly affairs he still watches our every move. I feel everyday that we wake up we are going to be tested. I am trying to see past what this world has to offer. It will end, but it is my job to prepare myself first and then go out to try and help prepare my family. When I say family I mean the whole nation of Earth.
Life as we know it should not be easy because we would not have appreciation for it. I just want to learn the word, live it, and pass it on. Thank you all for uplifting my spirit.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Don Watkins
2005-09-21 04:32:55 UTC
This is a fabulous article and brilliantly written by a true warrior. It is quite possibly the best article Ive read this summer. Here is a paradigm shift and call to end our current "war on terror" which has only increased terror.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-21 19:07:14 UTC
Thank you so much for this article - as much as I admire pacifists and am more and more considering myself one, the opinions of a soldier have so much more credibility in these issues. And your description of true leadership, versus what we so often see today, is brilliant. Your philosophy also resonates somehow with the recent horrific murder of Brother Roger at Taize - somehow, in some strange way that perhaps we cannot quite fathom right now, he seems to be in the line of true leaders who you describe and admire - people who are willing to die, but not willing to kill. And to the people who say we must defend ourselves and if that means killing, then it is somehow ok - I ask - why do we, as supposed Christians, think that some parts of the Ten Commandments are optional?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Emmanuel Egbele
2005-09-23 19:06:29 UTC
The article is quite commendable. I totally frown against violence in whatever form it rears its ugly head. But I believe that while being idealistic in the sense of Christanity, the reality on the ground tells a different story. Specifically as regards on the War against Terrorism currently waged by the US government, I believe that acting in self-defence as currently employed by the US and her allies are not over the board. It is unfortunate that bloodshed is involved, and the enemy is amorphous. I rather feel that rather than condemning the aggressor who have been grieved (the US), we should pray that the Spirit of God touches both combating sides and lead to a miraculous truce. In summary, I believe that self-defence is morally right.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Alan McNamara
2005-09-23 19:45:47 UTC
This was an absolutely wonderful piece of writing and testimony. As I am drawing closer to September 11 and discerning how to organize worship and preach this was a blessing and a gift.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Kenton Glick
2005-09-24 23:05:24 UTC
This is an amazing testimony. Despite Olivers cynicism, it proved it worked. It all comes down to the "natural" view of leadership, which is to gain as much as possible and then use all resources to protect what youve acquired, and Jesus radical view of leadership as being sacrifical and giving, and willing to be the one taking the greatest risks- and only using force when absolutely necessary, not a first response. There are heart-breakingly few examples of leaders like this. Lets step up to the plate, and help bring the kingdom of God to earth.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Kathryn Maleney
2005-09-25 13:57:27 UTC
Thanks so much for this wonderful article. David Christie speaks so clearly of the strength and courage needed to be a peacemaker, and to the power of the Spirit to bring that longing for peace to a level of real power in the world. In this time of warmaking, and the warrior mentality being exalted and often done in what is claimed to be "Gods Name" voices of peace like this are so needed. Thank you!

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Robert DeLaBastide
2005-09-25 19:51:20 UTC
Try and get this message on the main TV channels CNN and Fox, and to George W Bush. Or at least on EWTN and send a copy to National Catholic Reporter.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Kenny Lawrence
2005-09-25 23:05:39 UTC
The evil power on the face of the earth is terrorism. I really appreciate the articles published in this site for those who love love for the human beings. The world should be guided by love and the love should be loved. A man should be able to attain the happiness of love. The ultimate happiness we get from Jesus Christ who has what is Love. There are no walls of evils and negatives in the world of pure love. In that world people are sufficient - physically and spiritually.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Bong Solmerin
2005-09-26 09:41:53 UTC
This article is great. I hope every leader of the land must read this to know the real essence and purpose of being a leader and doing the ultimate sacrifice as Jesus did. Thanks for sharing this article........................... God bless us all.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Rose Fox
2005-09-26 20:33:21 UTC
This is the most lucid statement I have seen relative to the insanity being conducted by our nation against innocent peoples, including the American people. This spells out what Christianity bears witness to...a loving God Who sacrificed all, Who battled on our behalf against the powers of death, and triumphed (i.e., the resurrection). It spells out what that means for us today. Is anyone listening? Or are we too hellbent on ravaging the peoples and lands for oil and power? May God help us...and if we do not listen, our nation deserves to go the way of the Roman Empire...our beloved America, which had been the hope of countless numbers of peoples from lands across the globe, including my beloved parents, victims of the Armenian genocide.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-09-30 13:37:14 UTC
US is overwhelmingly Christian by faith. If a soldier can appreciate the value of peace and sacrifice on the battlefields, how can it be that those who are at home will send them out in the first place? Surely the best way to enforce "national safety" is not to invite animosity and create conflict? If there are people who attack "our way of life" and we then have to go and swat them out, then we are judging all nations by our own standards. That cannot be realistic, let alone compassionate, not to mention very busy. It is impossible to ask everyone to adopt American standards and morals all in one go, all peoples have their culture, background and history. We cant really say: you are not a democratic society so we have to take you to war! Yet the US re-elected this president, and Britain re-elected the same PM again. I was horrified. I now see that we go into this violence with both our eyes open. That leaves the question of: are we really Christians? Are we in for a good life with the "protection" of an almighty God? What part does the crucifixion of Christ play in our everyday lives? If service and sacrifice is not the very centre of our faith, then what is? Self-protection? Dont you dare harm me because God is on my side? If you are evil, I will bash you to bits? Did something go wrong with the message of evangelism? Have Christian preachers been dangling carrots in front of needy souls, promising them a membership with the divine will give them the right to bulldose over everything and everyone in their way? Havent we learnt that justice must be a two-edge sword, and must work for all concerned or none at all? If our justice means other peoples demise, it isnt justice for them, then scales are tipped and it isnt justice at all. That cannot be right. What promises are we making to the spiritually hungry in order to fill churches and cathedrals? Are we truthful about the real lesson Christ teaches us? Are we afraid if we tell people believing in Christ means service and sacrifice no one will be "converted"? On a more positive note: can we not engage our "Christian" leaders in dialogue to see what goes on in their heads that they can claim to love God and serve men, we are all made equal on Sundays but point at others to say that they are evil and must be rooted out? Their brand of Christianity is giving out very wrong message indeed, they vehemently claim to be devout Christians: their trust has a price, their faith is manipulated to suit themselves, and their politics has reflected little if any Christian thought. It would be good if the general populace can see that although they confess the Christian faith, they pay only lip service, when it comes to real life, they serve a different master.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Thomas Powell
2005-10-02 11:04:41 UTC
Turn the other cheek is what this soldier seems to be advocating. If he knew anything about what this war is about, he might take a different stance. It matters not that we would not respond. Their stated goal is our destruction. Singing Kumbaya and trying to hold hands with these animals will only get them cut off. He would have us surrender to a 3000 year old way of life just to say we are good Christians. I am not a scholar of the Bible and Mr Christie is neither, for there is a time for fighting, a time for peace and a time for dying. We can stand and allow our children to be beheaded or we can behead the bad guys before they get a chance at our kids. Anyone who lives in a Rose-colored world is simply wearing Rose-colored glasses. In my state Kentucky we have a law, it is every citizens duty to defend their life when put in jeopardy or the life of someone innocent that you can save. "Walk on my turf and cover your face and you most likely will lose it." If they wish to lay down their arms and say enough , we will be glad to do the same, but as long as they sink in on Israel or us. We will crush them. This is the final battle before the end of the age, Christie is not even wise enough to see that. The "Anti-Civilization is about to be swept away and a new third evolution of man is about to begin, 2012 mark the date. Then war will end, but 4/5 of the population of the planet will be dead. "Thats the way I see it"

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-10-05 23:37:01 UTC
War has been, and always will be, a continuation of politics by other means. If the Iraq conflict is seen by the world as a war on the innocent inhabitants, why would the military expend so much effort to build schools, hospitals and other infrastructure? The real political situation in Iraq for the last few decades has been one of increasingly brutal repression of all dissent and all peoples different from Sunni Arabs. As Mr. Christie has so carefully pointed out, the solution to this crisis is leadership. Leadership by Western democracies to support the Iraqi people in their effort to determine how they will rule themselves. Terrorists will be made to feel unwelcome in Iraq by the Iraqi people when the US and other world leaders have convinced them of this support through word and deed.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-10-11 05:35:49 UTC
Well all I know is that to follow Christ is to look foolish to the world and its systems of power and violence and acquisition. So I dont know if this is the "way", but dropping a bomb in the name of "freedom" seems a little convenient to me... I believe that to follow Christ in the midst of world power struggles will look like foolishness to most people. Cause how do we reconcile that in Gods economy weakness=strength, poverty=riches, dependence=freedom?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Linda Rafkin
2005-10-23 06:32:46 UTC
What a timely message, just beautiful! I believe this message to be the truth. Hate begets hate, violence begets violence and Love begets Love!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-10-23 20:31:32 UTC
What a wonderful article written by someone who has seen 1st hand what courage and morality mean. Unlike our world leaders who use these words to find support for their own agendas. thank you

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-10-30 06:33:03 UTC
What wonderful examples this morning in revealing the way of Peace. If we consider that persuing an eye for an eye may just very well leave us all blind, what if we instead took on a voice for an ear - today. That we might actually find ourselve in dialog with another expanding our understanding and compassion...that we give up the urge to react thus revealing a way to respond in love. Considering these powerful accounts of David Christie and MLK, you may want to look at who is showing up in your life as a real leader? Who is it that you are giving your great respect?

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
2005-11-07 12:22:05 UTC
While I agree with all David Christie has written I would question Martin Luther King that violence is always immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. I think that violence is sometimes necessary to restore, or to bring about, justice. David Christies C.O. knew that justice would not be served by retaliation, just as I dont think it has been served by us following 9/11. However, I must admit that just wars are very few in number, (WWII may have been one) and even then they may degenerate into hatred. I was brought up in a generation that believed that the only good German was a dead German. Ive since learned otherwise, but, in spite of my claim to be a Christian, Ive yet to buy a German or Japanese product, if it can be avoided, even if its assembled in North America. I know that such prejudice is wrong. Because of Jesus we can try to live at peace with ourselves by living at peace with those around us, especially those ethnically different from ourselves, but peace at the national level I think is unattainable in this fallen world. Leaders volunteering for the front lines may be a solution.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
Chris Williams
2005-11-09 12:02:42 UTC
Whilst much of what you have said about leaders taking the initiative as peace makers is valid, I do not believe that the christian community lacks morality and empathy with people of different spiritual beliefs. It was common people who stood up to oppression of the Apartheid regime in the Defiance Campaign (1986-1990) that forced the leadership of South Africa (political and religious) to embrace changes. Raising awareness of commonalities amongst the people of the world and preaching racial and religious tolerance is far more effective than relying on a hope that the world leadership will have a change of heart.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm
R. McLeish
2005-12-05 20:34:59 UTC
Youre saying we should go to the Cross as our Jesus did instead and not respond to terrorism??

I dont understand you.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Response-to-Terrorism.htm