Expecting Benjamin
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John Walker
2004-07-27 17:03:35 UTC
What a beautiful article! Two years ago, my wife and I went through a similar experience. Between the initial ultrasound and a higher-resolution follow up, we waited ten agonizing days. They were the worst, yet most grace-filled of my life. In the end, our daughter was determined not to have Down syndrome, but five months later she was still born. I shall always have a special place in my heart for children with D.S. and their parents God chose to rear them.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
2004-08-07 20:00:36 UTC
I think that you did the right thing. Every child and unborn, deserves a chance to live and live life to it's fullest. Even if that person may struggle at some times, he/she means well. You took a big risk and dedicated your whole lives to your child and I have much respect for that.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
2004-08-15 21:04:25 UTC
What a wonderful story! I work with children with special needs and would wish that everyone could see each child as the blessing that he or she is. These stories really inspire me - keep them coming!

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
Rebecca Wold
2004-09-08 14:01:50 UTC
What a heart wrenching story. I am 61 and have two "Special Children". One has physical deformities that of a Cleft Palate and lip...With that came years of surgery, lots of pain - physical and emotional, lots of teasing from peers and even from well meaning "Christians" which hurt the most. Now at 35 after years of struggling with his deamons he is a happy productive citizen in Society. The struggle with his faith still goes on mainly because what pieous christians said to him and about him....My Second "Special Child" is visually and mentally impaired. She is for the most part a grown up "3" year old. She too has had many many surgeries on her eyes and has developed some sever behavior problems. She is 33. She still lives at home and is quite content in her own little world. I wish I were of a stronger nature and could say that life is good and we have been blessed beyound measure because of these children. But I can't say that. Life has been very, very difficult and extremely painful. I worry constantly about what will become of our precious daughter when we can no longer care for her. My head and my heart believe that Jesus in His great mercy will take care of her and He already has a plan in place for her. What I will say is that because of our chilfren we have become much more aware of the pains of the world and the suffering that comes when people are not compassionate and loving as Jesus commands us to be. I will also say I could have never gotten through all we've been through without the Hand of My Heavenly Father on my shoulder and whisper of His voice in my heart telling me "you can do this - I'll neve leave you or forsake you." Our Great and Mighty God has held us in the Hollow of His Hand and brought us through the DEEP DEEP Valleys and DEEP DEEP WATERS. I guess at the beginning of the life of a special child when they are so helpless and cute and precious, we can't see beyond that point. But because of that "SPECIALNESS" WE HAVE TO LOOK AHEAD FAR AHEAD and give the that child every advantage to reach the potential God has for him/her. In many respects unless one has a very supportive family it is a lonely place. I pray that God will give the family the strength they need to face what is ahead and hold on to Jesus and fight, fight for that child and PRAY PRAY PRAY FOR THAT CHILD.....

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
Ray Gaebler
2005-10-20 01:02:36 UTC
What a truly affirming testimony. Any of us who have "Special" friends know the truth of the statement that we recieve more than we give when we live with a special child but we have to recognize how hard the initial impact must be when it is our own child about to come into the world. That this message hits a resounding chord is underscored by the 26 reponses already registered to their story.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
2005-10-25 15:25:07 UTC
The writer serves as a medical doctor at the Darvell Bruderhof in East
Sussex, England, where he lives with his wife and six children.
Post by John Walker
John Burton
2005-11-03 16:34:08 UTC
What an uplifting story. We have an extended family member was born with Downs some 13 years ago and has been a source of joy as well as work for the family but she is uncomplicated and loving. Fortunately, ther is greater acceptence of those wonderful people who remind us daily of the joy that exists in simply being alive in a world of beauty, a world that greets us with new gifts each day if we can only escape the pressures of "making it" in our culture.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
2005-11-06 12:33:34 UTC
When our Abi was born in 1989 we were told by 'highly educated and trained' staff at UCSF in San Francisco that we could place our daughter in an institution. Hah! She was in need of surgeries to repair a GI defect. Her surgeon was able to develope a new technique on her and was astounded by the ease of the procedure and the small amount of trauma to the patient. Of course, we credit Jesus for the revelation because we and many others were in deep prayer for the surgeon that morning.
As a toddler Abi was a worship warrior, rocking back and forth singing her heart out to God. Now at 14, so many times, teachers and other school workers will tell us what a joy she is to know. How can a medical worker tell new parents that their handicapped child will never do such and such? And may not accomplish this or that? God is so much bigger than our own understanding...

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
2005-12-05 14:34:41 UTC
Your story is very touching. I have been blessed with 3 healthy children and 6 grandchildren but I cannot understand how people can abort any child and I certainly don't understand how if they love their other children they can kill one of God's special ones. I always taught my children that kids with any dissabilities were God's special people and they are the most lovable people on earth.

Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/Benjamin.htm
