I have been reading and responding to the Daily Dig for some time now. I have been in almost total agreement with what is said within each segment. Todays edition, however, leads me to write because of what I see as a possible misunderstanding of Marys pivotal role in her Sons mission. The articles use of the word confrontations is, I believe unfair to the meaning of the scripture. In the first episode, she acts as any mother would, asking her son why he acted the way he did. In her eyes, what he did was disrespectful of her and Joseph. His response was to say that he had to be about his Fathers business. But, and this is important, he did go back and took his place with them. In the second episode, Mary asked him to take care of a need that she had seen, because the women served at the feast. His answer was not a rebuke, but a question: How does this concern Me?
What must be understood is that yes, His hour had not yet come, but He honored her request anyway. And his diciples believed in Him. The third episode probably did include Mary thinking He had lost his wits, but His response included her. She was the first to do the will of God. Her Yes to the angel and her continued yes to all that followed, shows that she did in fact ...do Gods will. The final episode, where she is put in the care of John, did unite his diciples and Mary, but in a much closer way, for she became mother to them all. She had always followed her Son, not always understanding what was happening, but keeping all these things in her heart She was the first diciple, the first to say Yes. May we all be like her and say yes to what her Son asks of us. Keep up the good work you do, for your Daily Digs are both enlightening and a call to greater dicipleship.
Responding to http://www.bruderhof.com/articles/ea/who-is-my-mother.htm